At times, the word inclusion can feel vague and open to interpretation. Individuals may feel unsure of what inclusion is, what it looks like, and how they can support inclusive practices in their setting. This Set 1 training will explore the three defining features of inclusion: access, participation, and support, and can help us all gain an understanding of what inclusion in early learning spaces really means. Participants will learn about fostering a sense of belonging for all children and will be challenged to look closely at their own values and beliefs so that we can create early learning spaces where all children feel welcomed.
CKC: 1 hour in Special Needs
Do you think the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) seems overwhelming? Scary even? It can be if you look at the legislation from a "have to" point of view. Come learn how we can move from the "have to's" to the "get to's" of inclusive policies and practices. This course is not presented by legal counsel.
CKC: 1 hour in Special Needs
This two-hour course is for educators and caregivers working with children ages 0-12. The early relationships children form with parents, teachers, and caregivers profoundly impacts their development on all levels: physical, cognitive, social, and emotional. Therefore, as an educator and caregiver, understanding child development is vital to fostering nurturing and supportive early learning experiences for each child in your care.
CKC: 2 hours in Human Growth and Development

You may be thinking about a new career opportunity: operating a registered family child care business in your home. This overview will help you answer the question: Is licensed child care the right path for me? If you decide it IS the right path for you, then you’ll want to register for and complete the Part 2, in-person training, where you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to set-up and run a registered family child care in your home.
Welcome to the ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation, Part 1. This orientation is one of two required trainings that will let you know what is required of you to become an Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) License Exempt Child Care Provider.
CKC: 2 hours in Program Management.
How to prevent, reduce, and respond to childhood illnesses and food allergies in child care settings.
CKC: 1 hour in Health, Safety and Nutrition.

Child care and education providers are among those persons who are mandatory reporters of suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect in the state of Oregon. Participants will learn the process for reporting incidents of child abuse or neglect.
CKC: 2 hours in Health, Safety and Nutrition.

The goal of this training is to provide Early Educators with an opportunity to learn about safe sleep practices and to identify and prevent risks to the babies in your child care program.
CKC: 1 hour in Health, Safety and Nutrition.
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